I am not, however, actually done. I have one more class: Nurturing Learning Communities.
For this class, we'll have to journal weekly, so I'm going to take the opportunity to use this blog to do so. My hope is that maybe it will help me blog more consistently as a whole after the class is over.
For our first assignment, we were instructed to join three new social networks and make connections with 50 people per network. Our instructor, in our face-to-face meeting, felt that number was a little too high to make it meaningful. I kind of agree for those that are just dipping their toe in reaching out to the educator community on these networks. You want to start slow and try and build relationships and not just lists and circles and groups of people you never end up dialoguing with.
I am already plugged into most of the effective networks. So, I hope I will be forgiven for not joining new ones. But, this assignment did push me to reach out and add more people to my circles on Google+. I had to think carefully about the people I wanted to add. I just didn't want to add people whose names were unrecognizable or that I knew nothing about. I went through my G+ communities members and added people to my circles whose names I recognized from GAFE Summits and CUE and EdTechTeam interactions.
This assignment also pushed me to find out about Twitter lists. I had noticed in my TweetDeck feed that people had added me to some of their lists, but never really looked into it. So, I found some lists that looked promising and subscribed and created a few of my own.
I'm hoping that this class will push me, even more, to reach out and create PLNs on these platforms. What platforms do you use? What do you like about one over the other?
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